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Current Vacancies

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We are constantly looking for the right drivers to join our busy team

Please view the job criteria below, if you feel you can comply and feel you our suitable for the position, fill out an application form enclosing your CV or details.


Elite Self Employed application form

Payment Terms

Approved credit customers:- Payment due end of month following delivery. Invoices will be assigned to eCapital Commercial Finance (North) Limited, Cotton House, Manchester, M2 5HS. To whom all payments must be made and whose receipt therefore alone is valid.
Non-credit customers: Strictly payment Prior to Collection/Delivery.

We are constantly looking for the right drivers to join our busy team

Please view the job criteria below, if you feel you can comply and feel you our suitable for the position, fill out an application form enclosing your CV or details.

Job Criteria

Application Form

Payment Terms

Approved credit customers:- Payment due end of month following delivery. Invoices will be assigned to Barclays Bank Plc., Asset Sales Finance, Churchill Plaza, Churchill Way, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 7GP. To whom all payments must be made and whose receipt therefore alone is valid.
Non-credit customers: Strictly payment on delivery.

If you have any queries about our terms and conditions, please do not hesitate to call

Call 01302 870345